Monday, October 16, 2006

timeline reactions

All of the pioneers covered in this installment seem interconnected, like the cybernetic artists and engineers who collaborated. I had no idea that WIRED had been around so long, it always seemed, but I guess that's how it surived. the ARC demonstration sounds like it was a huge rock concert for computer people, it's pretty exciting. The 60s were just full of so much energy and progress. I wonder if the people actually living those times felt it, or if it just seems glamorous to us now. What will people think of this period later?

1 comment:

Cynthia Allen said...


You might want to look up the history of WIRED on Wikipedia. It appears to be quite accurate.

FYI--I was your age in the late 60s. I was fortunate to go to a college 60 minutes from Washington, D.C. I went to all the anti-War demonstrations there. And worte for and participated in many beginning publications at that time. It WAS a time not to be believed. I have photos and huge archive of my experiences in D.C. and NYC, where I saw Jimi Hendrix, Joplin, the Greatful Dead, Morrison, etc. By the way, I majored in college in Eastern Religions and orental mysticism.
